The pandemic have been 3 year since started, I finished my software enginerring 1 while the pandemic. Unlike Software Engineering 1, in Software Engineering 2 we did not spend much time on meeting in discord, and instead we spent much of our time in group meetings in person and worked for the project. Not like the project from software engineering 1, we were no longer able to pick our own topic but instead the DOE gave us a project relate to the legislation system. Unlike the project we had in ICS 414, this project actually apply in the real work situation.
Code Review is one of the new concept in this class, more close to real coding environment and workplace. During the semester, we had 4 formal project code review in the class. We were using github issues board to publish the necessary correction and comment to all the code in the main branch. At first, I thought the code review actually not really important to the project. As long as the code have no issues and everything run good, that should be good enough. I did not realize how important code reviews really are until my code was reviewed. Many of my code having some code standard issues and there were some useless code left in it which may cause unneccesary memory usage. It may not affect in the current project, but it would be a big problem in the future that work in a big project. Duirng the tim e we were doing code review, we can also review others’ work at the meantime which can help us to understand how the project work and connect to each object. It does help me with data linking in the end of the project. These code reciew help me understood and gave me an overrall view that how the different parts of the project work together.
Instead worked with other 3 people in software engineering 1, we had 9 people in the group project. It is a new experience for me to work with so many people. Since we were working together this semester, the biggest chanllenge we faced in this class was creating a meeting time to time. Luckily, the class is in person, so everyone are basically will be in class and no one is not in Hawaii. However, many of us stil have job and some family issues during the semester, we barely can’t find a good time to make sure everyone are available. We stil had class meeting on Tuesday and Thursday weekly that can discuss about the progress of the project for everyone. Most of the time, we communicated via discord and solve many of the issues together which make us learned a lot from helping each other. We also have two excellent leader in this project to help us organize the work and helped us on the issues that we were challenged. Through this ecperience in the class I learned how agile prohect management and effective communication between members could help me how to work better in the project with a larger group. These will be a great impact for me to work with my co-worker in the furture.
Sometimes, I watched some tiktok video when I am free. There are some funny video about Client annd contractor in some software company. And this is really happened to us in this semester. We were working with department of education Hawaii in this project. We had 3 formal meeting with the DOE staff to present our work in every phrase. It is important to satisfying client demands since we ‘work’ for them at the time. It was really excited when I listened to our leader in our project was talking to them. We had a shred doc file that wrote their demands in every meeting, it could help us to improve the functionality of the website. After every meeting, we will more likely to understand what kind of software does the client want and what should we do after it. It provide us a chance to make the software better and satisfy both side. Unlike the project in ICS 414, we need to consider the client’s opinion and their satisfaction other than our own feeling.