Reflection on My Experiebce in Software Engineering 2
11 Dec 2022
The pandemic have been 3 year since started, I finished my software enginerring 1 while the pandemic. Unlike Software Engineering 1, in Software Engineering 2 we did not spend much time on meeting in discord, and instead we spent much...
After 4 months of study, we finally walked till the end. Looking back at these three years, I learned a lot about programming, from simple Javascript to web application development. Many kinds of programming languages are opening new worlds to...
Experiencing semantic UI For the Semantic UI it feels like an entryway tool for learning coding, It feels very user friendly and beginner friendly. I do have my gripes about the layout problems, like when I’m still learning the tool...
What is a standard? A level of quality attainment. When we are writing an essay, the instructor will require us to follow the instruction. When we are doing the math homework, we will need to use the proper formula and...
Honestly. There is no such thing as a stupid question and it is related to your way to ask the question. I had asked a lot of questions incorrectly in the past. Many teachers still would like to help me...
Interest I guess I’ve always had an interest in computers and electronics, and the passion carried over for computer programming, and from a naive and young dream of trying to be like a ‘hacker’ for a job. While that may...
Experiences I have tried coding before but never in an intensive course at this college level, I do plan on making coding a part of my career but undecided on how much it will affect my life, I have had...